Our Journey

Growing up, we each spent the summers soaking up salty beach days on the coast - Ashley in Ocean City, NJ and Sara on Cape Cod, MA. The magnetic pull of the ocean then brought us both to the coastal town of Scituate, MA to raise our families. Inspired by the beautiful place that we call home, Easkey Right was born.

We are grateful to be a part of a community that honors the unpredictability of the ocean, from winter nor'easters to summer surf swells. But we embrace the constants of the sea too - the tidal shifts, the daily ebb and flow. It is in these moments that we enjoy the ocean the most.  There is a peaceful ease that comes from the rhythmic pattern of the ocean and knowing that it is always there to enjoy. We wanted to create a collection that harbors that same feeling of classic comfort, wherever you may be. 

Why the name Easkey Right?

Off the Northern Coast of Ireland, sits the small town of Easkey. Its coast has a long right reef with several sections that break at different tides and swell, making it a great surf spot.  The name Easkey Right grounds us in where our brand was born - Scituate, Massachusetts - a little seaside town on the coast, affectionately referred to as the "Irish Riviera." We have deep Irish roots here - roots anchored in the sea. 

Everything we do is

It is where we live, create, and play.  

We hope our brand inspires you to chase the tide.

With love, from Scituate
Ashley & Sara